Places to go and things to see by Gypsy Bev

Posts tagged ‘Kendra Abbott’

Plus Side of Nursing Home Care

Patience is a Virtue

Beckett House is one of the local nursing home facilities.

Nursing home care becomes a necessity for many over the course of their life. Accidents, surgeries, and illness often require extra attention and rehabilitation that can not be handled at home.

Many caring people are involved in the process of visits which may take weeks, months, or years. Their dedication to helping patients feel better during this time becomes of utmost importance.

Lucy and a teammate prepare for a softball game at John Glenn High School in New Concord.

One caring young lady’s story shows why she chose to help in the nursing home area. Lucy Davis, still a teen today, was active at John Glenn High School playing basketball and softball. Then one day she felt dizzy with a terrible migraine and called her mom to take her to the hospital. She was sent to Children’s Hospital where they got control of her headache, saw a large mass on her thyroid in a scan, and sent her for a thyroid biopsy.

She was a typical teen full of life and energy when it was discovered on her 17th birthday that the mass on her thyroid was cancer. During a short time, she had thyroid cancer and lymph node cancer enter her life. She became an inspiration to many and posted this thought after her ordeal.

Lucy brings a smile to everyone’s face from children to the elderly.

According to Lucy, “Yes, Cancer sucks but it made me realize that life is too short so spend time with your loved ones, love hard, forgive easy, don’t hold grudges, make mistakes & most importantly do what makes YOU happy.”

She recovered well and is now cancer free, but it was a long slow process. It’s still an issue due to the number of doctor visits and scans she must continue to have. Lucy told me, “I decided during my many visits to the hospital that I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives because of how good the nurses treated me.”

Lucy Davis brightens the night for many who are sick or injured.

Since she loves elderly people, the choice was easy. She trained to become a State Tested Nursing Assistant and quickly found work at Beckett House in New Concord. At this point in her life, she doesn’t have any future plans. Lucy just wants to keep making a difference in people’s lives day to day.

At work, she makes each person feel special and comforted by taking time to actually listen to them and share her sense of good humor. Even in the middle of the night, Lucy has a smile and cheerful voice. She spreads sunshine from room to room during her evening shift.

Going to a Cincinnati Reds game with a friend is always a special treat.

When Lucy’s not working, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, playing with her dog Dixie, and going to Cincinnati Reds baseball games. These are the thing that make her happy.

Her dog Dixie is a comfort and pleasure.

Many caring people make life so much better for those who are ill in the nursing home. Meals provide a balanced diet and can be very tasty if you’re not too sick. Activities are planned that encourage patients to get out of their rooms and have some fun. Every week there is some kind of musical entertainment which has a dining room full of listeners.

Another important part of the nursing home experience is both Occupational and Physical Therapy. They work with patients to regain strength whether they are wanting to go home or having a long stay. Occupational Therapy works with the top half of your body, according to the therapists, so reaching with your arms, moving your hands in exercises, and even making a cup of tea might be part of the process.

Adam and Kendra provide Physical and Occupational Therapy.

Physical Therapy works more with the bottom half of the body. Strengthening the legs and feet are important to get patients moving again. Long walks down the hall using a walker are just the beginning of this journey if someone is able. Here they help you find the easiest way to climb stairs again or get down off a curb.

Adam Dudley and Kendra Abbott not only have years of experience in helping with therapy but make it a pleasant experience for everyone. While they encourage the patient to go just a little beyond their present ability, they do it in a relaxed and fun manner. They even have interesting conversations during your hour visit with them.

A sunroom at the end of the hall provides a spot like home.

A special feature at the Beckett House is a sunroom at the end of the hall which looks out over a lake where patients can watch people enjoying a walk or fishing. It is a great relaxation spot to give patients a feeling of the normal world while being treated for a problem at the nursing home. It’s also a great place to spend time with visitors.

While the nursing home is not the place we would wish to be, the next time you have to go to a nursing home go with a positive attitude. With a good attitude and friendly treatment of the staff, you can have a good experience.

When visiting someone at the nursing home, listen to their concerns, tell them about happy things that are happening in your life or in the community, and point out the plus side of care in a nursing home.