Places to go and things to see by Gypsy Bev

Posts tagged ‘walkers’

Did Ya Ever?

In today’s busy world, how often do you sit and watch the world go by? It’s not often, I’m sure, but perhaps you’ll want to try it someday.

Look up and watch the clouds drift slowly across the sky as they twist and curl. First, they look like a mountain, then quickly change to a boat gliding through the heavens. The colors in the sky vary from countless shades of blue and white to occasionally a dark cloud rolling by.

Drop down to the trees and notice how the leaves move in the gentle breeze. They bend and sway as if in a dance. In the spring, the trees are full of blossoms and when the wind blows, the blossoms appear as falling snow swirling through the air. In the summertime, you’ll find every shade of green imaginable hanging from tree branches.

Birds flutter from branch to branch and then try to find a morsel of something to eat when they drop to the ground. The colors of the birds are bright and cheery. Robins, bluejays, and cardinals are plentiful with an occasional woodpecker sounding his “Rat-a-tat-tat.”

On the ground is where you’ll find the most activity. Watch as a groundhog gives himself a treat by eating the flowers of the dandelion. See rabbits hopping along and a squirrel scampering up a tree. Don’t forget to smell the flowers.

Sit by a lake and watch the ducks, geese, or swans as they drift effortlessly across the water or duck their bills into the lake for a fresh fish dinner. Fish can easily be seen in the clear water as they glide from side to side.

Don’t forget to watch for the people that are in the scene as well. A little boy proudly walks with his dad as they each carry their fishing poles and bait buckets. You can tell this is not a new experience as the little boy puts the bait on the hook like an expert. Then they sit side by side as they wait for a bite.

Many walkers enjoy the beautiful day as they walk the paths around the lake. Not only is this good exercise but also gives them fresh air and sunshine. They get to watch the world through their eyes, also.

Did ya ever sit and watch the world go by? Try it someday soon.